Better Face Care

Better Face Care

This is fairly obvious, but your face is a big part of who you are. It’s how you appear in pictures, on Facetime, at the office, or with friends. It is often how people recognize you.

And you only get one face, so you shouldn’t screw this one up 😉

It’s estimated that every night you go to bed without washing your face, you age your facial skin 7 days. That’s right, a full week of wear and tear for every night you grease up your pillow. Not worth it.

Getting into a nice, simple face routine every night is a daily 5-minute investment that will likely end up paying big-time dividends. A nighttime facial cleansing routine can help you age more gracefully with less spots and less wrinkles, and you’ll end up looking less and less like an extra on the set of your favorite Zombie show. Let’s get rid of that dull gray dead layer of skin and help you start having healthy, vibrant-looking skin.

We'll make this simple. We recommend that you follow these 3 steps as part of your routine:

1. Cleanse
2. Tone
3. Moisturize

Easy, right? As a general rule, your process should go from the thinnest consistency to the thickest.

1. Cleanse
To cleanse, rinse your face with warm water, then massage a facial cleanser into your skin. Try to act like you’re massaging your facial muscles below your skin. Rinse with warm water using similar motions. Pat dry.

2. Tone
Toners do two things: 1. They prepare your skin to better absorb nutrients. 2. They give a vitamin boost to your skin. Not sure what Toner to get? Here’s some helpful advice: We highly recommend finding and using a toner that has at least some of these ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, Retinol, Vitamin B3, Peptides, Colloidal Sulfur, and Niacinamide.

Simply apply the toner to your skin and let it dry.

3. Moisturize
Moisturizers hydrate and help soften the skin. They can prevent water loss, which protects the skin and keeps it young and healthy. First you need to pick the right type of moisturizer. If your skin is oily, use a gel moisturizer. If it’s dry, use a cream. If it’s normal, you can use a facial lotion. If it’s inflamed, red, or sensitive, you may want to use a balm.

Zhou Nutrition Nightly Face Care Routine

BONUS TIP: Try to use a moisturizer in the morning that has some SPF in it. Every dermatologist and aesthetician will agree that the sun will age and destroy your face any chance it gets. Keep those UV’s off the money maker.

This is a lifetime habit but it will pay dividends in the long run. Save your face from early and unnecessary aging and wrinkles. Don’t fight your self-care. Embrace it and live better longer.